Category: Uncategorized

  • Shrinkage Reduction Concept

    To request your copy of the JBabbConcepts LLC Shrinkage Reduction Concept, just send us an email to [email protected]

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  • COVID-19 Phase Two

         The current state of the world makes some things very apparent. What we are experiencing now can only be attributed to the second phase of COVID-19 now being implemented. This diabolical plot has unleashed on the world a massive fear, causing us to give up personal rights for fake safety. COVID-19 was a controlled…

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  • M A G A

    Making America great again sounds good, but it won’t be easy. We are mired in such a degenerate, entitled, unaccountable, zero consequences, gender-bending, race-baiting, likes-driven, woke ideology that getting back to greatness will come at an extreme cost. We already must give up the freedom of free speech to be able to speak. Word police…

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    I want to talk to men who understand that what they deserve is unobtainable in Western culture. It’s time to go East, my brother. The Southeast Asian countries have the women we seek, need, want, and desire. Men, it is time to stop simping, dating dead-end women, and wasting your resources, time, and energy. You…

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         Diversity, equity, and inclusion are nothing but Affirmative Action in drag trying to sneak into the club.  When you have no idea if the person in the driver’s seat is there because they are qualified or if they are just a token, it should be a cause for concern. DEI is meant to create…

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  • Your Couch Is Denying You Comfort

         Your couch is a thief. It steals ambition, hope, willingness, and time. Fear is a great motivator and a great stagnator. It’s the perfect time to do whatever it is right now. Stop waiting for the right time, it’s here! The only reason you are not doing it now is fear. But it is…

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         RACIST- of, relating to, or characterized by the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another. (Merriam-Webster dictionary app)      In no way is this about race. It is about theft and loss. Race is moot in this conversation, yet opponents are trying to make it a…

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  • HARVARD, HARVARD, HARVARD, What hath thou done?

         Claudine Gay, the ex-president of the most prestigious university in the country, is as dishonest as a crack whore. She was proven to be responsible for more than 50 instances of plagiarism, dating back to at least 1997. Claudine Gay is dishonest, which leads to her being deceitful, which leads to her being a…

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  • Penn State University Students Unsure If A Man Can Get Pregnant

         Known as a public state-related land-grant research university, Penn State University has campuses throughout Pennsylvania. It has been described as committing to providing unrivaled opportunities, a tradition of academic excellence, and investing in student success. Why, then, do its students become unbelievably ignorant and cowardly when asked, “Can a man get pregnant?” They don’t…

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         Does body count matter? ABSOLUTELY!! I’m about to go analogistic again because bitches be crazy. Of course, those who are run through will say body count doesn’t matter because they know that the truth is it matters very much. So, let’s get into it. A female will try to convince herself and you that…

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